Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560 012






Dr. Ritabrata Munshi
Affiliation : Rutgers University, USA

Subject Area






Lecture Hall - I, Dept of Mathematics




2.00 pm




August 1,2007 (wednesday)



The arithmetic of elliptic surfaces
Abstract : A family of elliptic curves (or an elliptic surface) is given by a Weierstrass equation

E_t : y^2= x^3+ A(t)x + B(t),

where A(t) and B(t) are polynomials. Little is known about the rational points on such families. However there are interesting predictions. For example, a conjecture of Mazur states that if one fiber E_t has infinite number of rational points, then there is a dense set of fibers with infinite number of rational points. In the special case when deg A<= 4 and deg B<= 6, there is a more precise conjecture of Manin about the number of rational points of a fixed height. In this talk I will describe recent results towards these conjectures. I will also discuss other open problems regarding distribution of Mordell-Weil ranks.

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